Can You Delete the C:\Windows\servicing Folder on Windows 10? Here's What You Need to Know

Understanding the Role and Contents of the C:\Windows\servicing Folder in Windows 10

The C:\Windows\servicing folder is a critical component of the Windows operating system. It contains essential files and subdirectories necessary for the installation, maintenance, and updating of the OS. Deleting this folder can lead to severe system instability and may render your Windows installation unusable.

What Does the C:\Windows\servicing Folder Contain?

  • Component Store (WinSxS): This subdirectory holds backup files and old versions of system components, allowing Windows to repair and update itself.
  • Manifest Files: These are XML files that describe the components stored within the folder, ensuring proper management and installation of system updates.
  • Pending Updates: The folder may also contain files related to pending Windows updates, essential for keeping your system secure and up-to-date.

Can You Safely Delete It?

In short, no, you cannot and should not delete the C:\Windows\servicing folder. This folder is integral to the functionality and integrity of the Windows operating system. Removing or altering its contents can lead to:

  • System Instability: Without the necessary files for system maintenance and updates, Windows may become unstable or fail to boot.
  • Failed Updates: Deleting files within this folder can prevent Windows from applying critical updates, leaving your system vulnerable to security risks.


The C:\Windows\servicing folder plays a vital role in maintaining the health and performance of your Windows 10 system. It's crucial to leave this folder intact to ensure your computer operates smoothly and securely.